Workshop: 'Being Political: Navigating criticality and dissent with(in) and beyond STS'

This workshop aimed to stimulate renewed thinking about and engagement with STS-inspired approaches and concepts and in the study of borders, security and migration (management).

Antwerp, Belgium

September 26, 2024

This workshop aimed to stimulate renewed thinking about and engagement with STS-inspired approaches and concepts and in the study of borders, security and migration (management). The point of departure was that it is not only necessary to address the importance of STS for critical security, border, and migration studies, it is equally important to pose the question of the relation the other way round: what do these disciplines and their critical traditions have to offer in terms of developing, refining and rethinking concepts and approaches from STS into new directions?

Such interdisciplinary encounters come with no guarantees and with plenty of conundrums and challenges. Translation is also always betrayal, as STS protagonists argue; the fate of its ideas is always in the hands of future users. With that in mind, this workshop invited contributors to focus on four immediate challenges of STS-inspired research on borders, migration and security: (1) borders and boundaries; (2) violence and domination; (3) subjectivity; (4) the political.

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